New York Bids > Bid Detail

Purchase of Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificates

Agency: The New York State Contract Reporter
Level of Government: State & Local
  • B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D
  • R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services
Opps ID: NBD15621695124546169
Posted Date: Nov 7, 2022
Due Date: Jan 26, 2023
Issue Date: 11/07/2022 Contract Number: ORECRFP22-1
Purchase of Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificates

Description of goods to services to be bid:

In this solicitation, ORECRFP22-1 (the RFP), NYSERDA seeks to procure Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificates (ORECs) associated with offshore wind generation coordinated with private investments in New York State-based offshore wind supply chain infrastructure. The RFP is a major step in pursuit of New York State’s goal of developing 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind energy by 2035 and achieving economy wide deep decarbonization by 2050 in a responsible and cost-effective manner.

The RFP is being issued in accordance with New York State Public Service Commission’s Order Establishing Offshore Wind Standard and Framework for Phase 1 Procurement, issued on July 12, 2018, Order Adopting Modifications to the Clean Energy Standard issued on October 15,2020 in Case No. 15-E-0302, and most recently in Order on Power Grid Study Recommendations published on January 20, 2022 in Case Nos. 20-E-0197, 18-E-0071, and 15-E-0302. All proposers are advised to review the Orders and their Appendices before participating in this RFP.

The RFP also seeks supply chain investment plans that can leverage up to $300 million of New York State funding, as further described in the RFP.

The RFP allows proposers to submit a range of bids, including bid(s) with interconnection cost sharing, energy storage and re-purposing of fossil fuel infrastructure. Prospective proposers are required to submit a Notice of Intent to Propose, which is attached as Appendix A to the RFP. The Notice of Intent to Propose form should be sent to no later than December 1, 2022.

Summary of Revisions, effective November 4, 2022:

RFP Designated Contacts
Nate Chumley and Janna Herndon have been added as Other Designated Contacts.
List of Appendices
Appendix C.3 (Disadvantaged Community Benefits) has been added.
Appendix O (Standard Form Capital Commitment Agreement) has been added.
Acronyms and Definitions
ConEd Hub definition has been revised to provide clarification.
Disadvantaged Communities definition has been revised to clarify that the criteria are expected to be finalized at the end of 2022, that the interim criteria have been specified by NYSERDA and that commitments to a community that meets either the interim or final definition will be eligible as a Disadvantaged Community commitment under the RFP.
Expected Total Dollars definition has been revised to remove Category 2 Incremental Economic Benefits.
Incremental Economic Benefits definition has been revised to add “or an anticipation of the potential for such an award.”
Interconnection Cost Allocation definition has been revised to add “as memorialized in the Project’s interconnection agreement.”
New York Economic Benefits definition has been added.
Project Qualifying Federal Support definition has been revised.
Verified Total Dollars definition has been revised to remove Category 2 Incremental Economic Benefits.
Section 1.3 (Schedule)
NYSERDA Portal Open for Registration has been changed to November 4, 2022.
Deadline for NYSERDA Portal Registration and NYSERDA Portal Open for Submission has been changed to January 19, 2023.
Proposal Submission Deadline has been changed to January 26, 2023.
Section 1.4 (Notice of Intent to Propose)
Footnote has been added with the option for Funding Recipients to submit Executive Order No. 16 certifications directly to NYSERDA.
Section 2.1.1 (ORECs Offered)
Clarification regarding contractual commitment to another entity has been added.
Section 2.1.4 (Required and Alternate Proposals)
Requirement for Alternate Proposals that include Energy Storage to correspond to a Proposal that is consistent in all other respects, except for pricing and/or other modifications directly related to Energy Storage has been added.
Footnote has been added indicating how the Energy Storage Component Price Reduction Amount will be calculated for purposes of the Agreement.
Requirement for Alternate Proposals that include an Offshore Wind Generation Facility that is not Meshed Ready, with the exception of Upgrade Capacity, to correspond to a Proposal that is consistent in all other respects, except for pricing and/or other modifications directly related to all Offshore Wind Generation Facilities being Meshed Ready, has been added.
Locational restrictions on HVAC cables have been added.
Language around the ConEd Hub has been revised to specify that Proposals must not assume or be contingent on the ConEd Hub unless and until the Commission approves the petition to recover costs of the ConEd Hub.
Section 2.1.5 (Pricing)
Footnote has been added regarding Qualifying Federal Support.
Section 2.1.7 (Interconnection and Deliverability)
Language related to the ConEd Hub, including regarding submission of a Large Facility Interconnection Request, has been clarified.
Option to present a plan for alternate uses of a Project’s electrical output in excess of the Annual OREC Cap and/or during curtailments has been added.
Locational restrictions on HVAC cables have been added.
Section 2.1.8 (Repurposing Downstate Fossil Fuel Generation Infrastructure)
Language related to Affected Resources has been revised.
Section 2.1.9 (Energy Storage)
Reference to Article 10 has been removed.
Information regarding the application of the Energy Storage Component Price Reduction Amount has been added.
Section 2.2.7 (Support for Monitoring Key Commercial Fish Stocks and Wildlife)
Requirements related to funding commitments have been revised.
Section 2.2.9 (Lighting Controls)
Clarification that lighting controls minimize nighttime visibility “from shore and risk to wildlife” has been added.
Section (Stakeholder Engagement)
Requirements around ongoing stakeholder and community engagement if awarded a contract have been added.
Section 2.2.14 (Embodied Carbon)
New section has been added.
Section 2.2.15 (Disadvantaged Community Commitments)
New section has been added.
Section 3.2.6 (Interconnection and Deliverability)
Locational restrictions on HVAC cables have been revised.
Guidance around favorable evaluation of Interconnection and Deliverability Plans has been updated.
Section (Disadvantaged Community Impacts)
Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan has been added as a guidance document for designing Projects and associated investments to provide benefits to and reduce burdens on Disadvantaged Communities.
A reference to the new Appendix C.3 has been added.
Section 3.2.10 (Repurposing Downstate Fossil Fuel Generation Infrastructure)
Language related to consideration of how the relevant fossil fuel generation will be replaced has been moved to Section
Section (Repurposing Downstate Fossil Fuel Generation Infrastructure)
Language related to Affected Resources has been revised.
Language related to consideration of how the relevant fossil fuel generation will be replaced has been moved from Section 3.2.10.
Section 3.3.1 (Prioritizing Disadvantaged Communities)
A reference to the new Appendix C.3 has been added.
Section 3.3.4 (Economic Benefits Categories)
Figure 1 has been updated to show that Category 2 is now only included in the SCIP Facility Funding Agreement and not in the Agreement
Section 3.3.5 (Economic Benefits Evaluation Considerations)
Updated to reflect that only Category 1 will be normalized by Offer Capacity as part of the evaluation.
A reference to the new Appendix C.3 has been added.
A reference to Chapter 7 of the Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan has been added to provide guidance on linking Economic Benefits Claims to a just workforce transition.
Figure 2 has been updated to show that for SCIP Proposals Category 2 will only be included in the scoring of up to 5 points for Economic Benefits linked to SCIPS and not in the scoring of up to 15 points for Economic Benefits.
The organization of Figure 4 has been updated to reflect the updated Category alignment but the linkages between the Jobs and Workforce Plan and Economic Benefits categories have not changed.
Section 4.1.2 (Index OREC Pricing)
The reference to potentially updating the Reference Capacity Price formula based on responses to LSRRFI22-1 has been removed. NYSERDA reserves the right to further revise the RFP and/or to provide Proposers with an opportunity to submit updated pricing if new relevant material becomes available prior to or after the Proposal Submission Deadline.
Section 4.2.2 (Inflation Adjustment)
Table 2 has been revised to add links to public sources for indices which did not previously include a link,
Table 3 has been revised to reflect commodity inflation index values as of the issuance date of the revised RFP and to provide additional links to public data sources.
Section 4.5 (Offer Price Scoring)
Language related to Authorized Agent has been clarified.
Section 5.1.1 (Preliminary SCIP Rank Order)
Clarification that a SCIP Facility that is conditional on a minimum offtake volume will only be included in the award group if the minimum offtake volume is met has been added.
Section 6.2.1 (Organization of the Submission)
Requirement that the Submission include both Confidential and Public versions of the Jobs and Workforce Plan has been added.
Section 6.2.2 (Submission Instructions)
Dates related to the Salesforce Portal have been updated.
Alternative method for Funding Recipients to submit sensitive or confidential information directly to NYSERDA has been added.
Section 6.3.2 (Offer Data Form)
Requirements to enter the Offer Capacity for each Offshore Wind Generation Facility in the Proposal and whether each Offshore Wind Generation Facility is Meshed Ready have been added on Part I.
Requirement to enter the corresponding Proposal that is fully Meshed Ready has been added if the Proposal includes an Offshore Wind Generation Facility that is not Meshed Ready.
Requirement to enter Bid Storage Capacity values and the location of the Energy Storage for Proposals that include Energy Storage has been added on Part I.
Clarification that expenditure values for New York iron and steel and non-New York U.S. iron and steel are entered separately on Part V, Table V-1 has been added.
Table V-2 has been removed from Part V.
Table VI-2 has been removed from Part VI.
Part VI has been expanded to require the entry of FTE-Years for line items entered using the Total compensation structure.
Category 2 has been removed from Part VII.
Section 6.3.3 (Supply Chain Investment Plan Data Form)
Selection of long-term job type for each SCIP Facility has been added to Part I.
Requirement to align entries in Table II-2 of the SCIPDF with Table V-2 of the ODF has been removed from Part II.
Requirement to enter the applicable SCIP Facility for each line item has been added to Part II-5.
Requirement to align entries in Table III-2 of the SCIPDF with Table VI-2 of the ODF has been removed from Part III.
Artifact reference to Category 1 and Category 2 entries from the Offer Data Form has been removed.
Section 6.4.1 (Executive Summary)
Required forms and disclosure in accord with Section 8 of the RFP have been added to clarify where they should be addressed in the Proposal Narrative.
Section 6.4.3 (Proposer Qualifications)
Requirement to provide demographic information has been clarified.
Section 6.4.4 (Project Description and Site Control)
Language around site plan requirements has been clarified.
Section 6.4.8 (Interconnection and Deliverability Plan)
Requirement to provide a justification for exclusion from the Meshed Ready system has been added to clarify where this justification, as required in Section 2.1.4, should be included in the Proposal.
Section 6.4.18 (Disadvantaged Community Impacts)
“[t]hrough documented engagements” has been added.
A reference to the new Appendix C.3 has been added.
Section (Economic Benefits Plan)
Reference to the description of Economic Benefits Plan supporting documentation has been corrected to point to Appendix C.1.
Section (New York Jobs and Workforce Plan)
Requirement that the Submission include both Confidential and Public versions of the Jobs and Workforce Plan has been added.
Section 6.6 (Exceptions to Agreements)
The Capital Commitment Agreement has been added to the list of Agreements to which Proposers can submit requested changes.
Section 7.2 (Provision of Supply Chain Investment Plan Contracts for Execution)
Quarterly progress reporting requirements have been added.
Section 8.12 (Executive Order No. 192)
New section has been added.
Appendix B (Proposer Certification Form)
Signer has been clarified to be the Authorized Agent.
Language referencing the ConEd Hub Large Facility Interconnection Request has been revised.
Certification that Proposer will comply with Tax Law Section 5-a prior to contracting with NYSERDA has been added.
Appendix C.1 (Economic Benefits Claims and Verification)
Clarification for how 5 points associated with SCIPs for SCIP Proposals will be awarded has been added.
Guidance for Category 2 has been removed and a pointer to Category 2 information in Appendix C.2 has been added.
Appendix C.2 (Supply Chain Investment Plan Requirements)
Quarterly progress reporting requirements have been added.
Funding plan requirements related to federal financial support have been revised.
Clarification that the thresholds apply to each SCIP Facility has been added in Section C.2.A.1.b.
Clarification that the long-term direct jobs thresholds apply specifically to the SCIP Facility’s operations phase has been added in Section C.2.A.1.b.
Clarification that jobs on vessels operating out of the port are included toward the thresholds for port infrastructure investments has been added in Section C.2.A.1.b.
The requirement for other supply chain activities to support Primary Component manufacturing has been removed from Section C.2.A.1.b.
An alternative approach to meeting the jobs threshold for SCIP Facilities with intermittent staffing requirements has been added in Section C.2.A.1.b.
A reference to the new Appendix C.3 has been added.
Relative weighting for annual average FTE equivalent jobs claims in evaluation has been added.
Requirements regarding the provision of financial statements and credit ratings for the Funding Recipient have been clarified in Section C.2.C.7.
Annual average FTE equivalents have been added as an alternative metric in Table C.2.3.
Appendix G (Meshed Ready Technical Requirements)
Clarification regarding the level of detail required at Proposal submission has been added in Section G.2.3 and Table G.2.
Appendix I (Agreement)
See posted redline for changes.
Appendix J (SCIP Facility Funding Agreement)
See posted redline for changes.
Appendix K (Offer Data Form)
User Guide has been updated to align with changes throughout the workbook and to clarify instructions for submitting Labor Expenditures on Part V-1 and Part VI-1.
Part I has been updated to add entries for whether each Offshore Wind Generation Facility is Meshed Ready.
Part I has been updated to add an entry for the corresponding fully Meshed Ready Proposal if the Proposal includes an Offshore Wind Generation Facility that is not Meshed Ready and does not represent Upgrade Capacity.
Part I has been updated to add entries for Bid Storage Capacity in MW and MWh and Energy Storage location if the Proposal includes Energy Storage.
Part V-1 has been revised to include entry of the applicable Offshore Wind Generation Facility for each line item.
Part V-2 has been removed.
Part V-3 has been revised to include entry of the applicable Offshore Wind Generation Facility for each line item.
Part VI-1 has been revised to include entry of the applicable Offshore Wind Generation Facility for each line item.
Part VI-1 has been revised to add new columns for entering FTE-Years by line item if compensation is entered on a Total basis.
Part VI-2 has been removed.
Part VII has been updated to remove Category 2.
Part VII has been updated to include separate entries for each Offshore Wind Generation Facility.
Appendix L (Master Offers Form)
New York Jobs and Workforce Plan file type has been adjusted to require both Confidential and Public versions.
Appendix M (SCIP Data Form)
User Guide has been updated to align with changes throughout the workbook and to clarify instructions for submitting Labor Expenditures on Parts II-2 and II-4 and Parts III-2 and III-4.
Part I has been updated to add the requirement to identity whether the long-term jobs for a SCIP Facility are year-round or intermittent.
Part II-5 has been updated to add a column for entry of the applicable SCIP Facility.
Part III-2 has been revised to add new columns for entering FTE-Years by line item if compensation is entered on a Total basis.
Part III-4 has been revised to add new columns for entering FTE-Years by line item if compensation is entered on a Total basis.
Part IV has been expanded to require entries by SCIP Facility.
Appendix N (Proposal Submission Guide)
Requirement that the Submission include both Confidential and Public versions of the Jobs and Workforce Plan has been added.
Other Corrections
Corrections and typos have been fixed in Sections 1.4 (“Required Alternate Proposal” replaced with “Required Standalone Proposal”), Section 2.1.7 (“Delivery” replaced with “Deliverability”), Section 2.1.9 links corrected), Section 8.1 (link corrected), Section 8.2 (link corrected), Section 8.11 (link corrected), Appendix E (heading numeration) and Appendix H (links

If changes are made to this solicitation notification will be posted on NYSERDA’s website at:

Eligibility/Qualifications Requirements/Preferences:

To participate in this RFP, all Proposals must demonstrate compliance with each of the eligibility requirements enumerated in Section 2 of the RFP.

Due Date: 01/26/2023 3:00 PM

Contract Term: Up to 25 Years

Location: TBD

Ad Type: General

Technical contact: NYSERDA
Offshore Wind
Laila El-Ashmawy
Offshore Wind Project Manager
1359 Broadway, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10018-7842
United States
Ph: 212-971-5342
Fax: 518-862-1091
Primary Contact: NYSERDA
Large- Scale Renewables
New York City
Laila El-Ashmawy
Project Manager
1359 Broadway
19th Floor
New York City, NY 10018-6815
United States
Ph: 212-971-5342 ext.2129715342
Fax: 1-518-862-1091
Secondary contact: NYSERDA
Contract Management
Nancy Marucci
Assistant Contract Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3335
Fax: 518-862-1091
Secondary contact: NYSERDA
Contract Management
Jillina Baxter
Office Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3418
Fax: 518-862-1091


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